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The CDO role will grow extensively

The CDO role will grow extensively   The Chief Data Officers (CDOs) and other senior data professionals are getting more involved in the top management of large organizations changing their approach to data management. CDOs are the driving force behind the innovation and differentiation: they revolutionize the existing business models, improve the corporate communication with the target audience, and explore new opportunities to improve the business performance. Although this position is quite new, it is getting mainstream. According to  Gartner , by 2019 CDO positions will be present in 90% of large organizations, but only half of them will actually succeed. Strong personal qualities, understanding of the responsibilities and potential obstacles are considered crucial to achieving success, yet there is another important step to unlock the full CDO’s potential. Firms should consider branching the IT department into the “I” and “T” separately, and CDOs should take the lead in the ne

IP 101: The Basics of IP Addresses

IP 101: The Basics of IP Addresses The "IP" part of IP address stands for "Internet Protocol." The "address" part refers to a unique number that gets linked to all online activity you do...somewhat like a return address on a letter you'd send out. (All this happens in milliseconds.) That's the end of today's lesson. At least it should be. Because from this point on, it gets complicated fast. And confusing. Information technology (IT) is crazy stuff and it's best left to those who have to deal with computers and networks. Still, we're all on the Internet these days, and it seems we're always connected through our personal computers, laptops or mobile devices. And every time you go on the Internet, an IP address is right there, working for you. And with so much obscure information (and misinformation) out there about the IP address, it's helpful to know the basics. You've got connections. Your co

10 BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGIES you should know about in 2020

10 BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGIES 2020 Dueling neural networks. Artificial embryos. AI in the cloud. Welcome to our annual list of the 10 technology advances we think will shape the way we work and live now and for years to come. Every year since 2001 we’ve picked what we call the 10 Breakthrough Technologies. People often ask, what exactly do you mean by “breakthrough”? It’s a reasonable question—some of our picks haven’t yet reached widespread use, while others may be on the cusp of becoming commercially available. What we’re really looking for is a technology, or perhaps even a collection of technologies, that will have a profound effect on our lives. For this year, a new technique in artificial intelligence called GANs is giving machines imagination; artificial embryos, despite some thorny ethical constraints, are redefining how life can be created and are opening a research window into the early moments of a human life; and a pilot plant in the heart of Texas’s