ELECTRICITY BILLING SYSTEM https://knowledgestreams.blogspot.com/ Create a electricity biilling system using JAVA #knowledge #stream #blog you can find the full source code for the project below. A - Below is the source code of the project. B - Create separate class files for every class. C - Copy the code of one class (ex: login.java) and paste it in Login class file, do it for every class. 1 - Create your first class with name 'conn' and paste the code package Electricity; import java.sql.*; // knowledgestreams.blogspot.com public class conn{ Connection c; Statement s; public conn(){ try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); c =DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql:///project","root",""); ...
knowledge, Tutorials, information, programming, JAVA, CISCO,Python,Excel,source,codes,theory