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Test your knowledge on taking action with data

  A data analytics team works to recognize the current problem. Then, they organize available information to reveal gaps and opportunities. Finally, they identify the available options. These steps are part of what process? 1 / 1  point Applying the SMART methodology Using structured thinking Making connections Categorizing things Correct This describes structured thinking. Structured thinking begins with recognizing the current problem or situation. Next, information is organized to reveal gaps and opportunities. Finally, the available options are identified. 2 . Question 2 In which step of the data analysis process would an analyst ask questions such as, “What data errors might get in the way of my analysis?” or “How can I clean my data so the information I have is consistent?” 1 / 1  point Analyze Process Prepare Ask Correct An analyst asks questions such as, “What data errors might get in the way of my analysis?” or “How can I clean my data so the information I have is consistent?”

Wireless Security - Course-era (Google IT Professional Course)

  Wireless Security TOTAL POINTS 4 1 . Question  1 Defense against digital dark arts Video link: What are some of the weaknesses of the WEP scheme? Check all that apply. 1 / 1 point Its use of ASCII characters for passphrases Its use of the RC4 stream cipher Correct You nailed it! The RC4 stream cipher had a number of design flaws and weaknesses. WEP also used a small IV value, causing frequent IV reuse. Lastly, the way that the encryption keys were generated was insecure. Its poor key generation methods Correct You nailed it! The RC4 stream cipher had a number of design flaws and weaknesses. WEP also used a small IV value, causing frequent IV reuse. Lastly, the way that the encryption keys were generated was insecure. Its small IV pool size Correct You nailed it! The RC4 stream cipher had a number of design flaws and weaknesses. WEP also used a small IV value, causing frequent IV reuse. Lastly, the way that the encryption keys were generated was insecure.