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Showing posts with the label code

Campus Event Management System in JAVA

 Campus Event Management System #java #event #fyp #project #source #code #learn #free 1. Introduction Problem Statement : Managing campus events manually can be chaotic and time-consuming. The need for a streamlined digital platform is essential for enhancing user experience and improving event management efficiency. Objective : To create a Java-based Campus Event Management System that allows users to create, manage, and register for campus events seamlessly. Scope : The system will have modules for user registration, event creation, event registration, notifications, and administrative management. 2. Features User Management : Registration, login, and profile management for students and organizers. Event Management : Create, update, delete, and view events. Registration System : Students can register for events, view the status of their registration, and receive notifications. Notification System : Send email or SMS notifications for event updates, cancellations, and reminders. F...

Python Project: Audio Transcription and Text-to-Speech Conversion Using Wav2Vec2 and Pyttsx3

 Explore an advanced Python project that combines audio transcription and text-to-speech synthesis using state-of-the-art tools like Librosa, PyTorch, and Hugging Face's Transformers library. This script demonstrates how to load and resample audio files, transcribe speech to text using Facebook's Wav2Vec2 model, and convert text back to speech with customizable voice options using pyttsx3. Perfect for anyone interested in speech processing, AI-driven voice technology, or natural language processing projects. Ideal for enhancing your Python skills and diving into real-world applications of AI in audio analysis. import librosa from scipy.signal import resample import torch from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC, Wav2Vec2Tokenizer import pyttsx3 from scipy.signal import resample # Load audio file audio_file = "directory of audio file" audio, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=None) def resample_audio(audio, orig_sr, target_sr):     duration = audio.shape[0] / orig_sr   ...

Weather Scrapper using python

Beautiful  Soup  is  a  library  which  facilitates  the  scraping  of  information  from  web  pages.  It    sits  atop  an  HTML  or  XML  parser,  providing  Pythonic  idioms  for  parse  tree  iteration,  searching,  and  alteration. Beautiful  Soup  is  a  library  which  facilitates  the  scraping  of  information  from  web  pages.  It  sits  at  the  top  of  an  HTML  or  XML  parser,   providing  Pythonic  idioms  to  iterate,  search,  and  modify  the  parser  tree. Copy below source code: libraries required: Requests & bs4 or BeautifulSoup import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup ...


EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROJECT CODE A - Below is the source code of the project. B - Create separate class files for every class. C - Copy the code of one class (ex: and paste it in Login class file, do it for every class . #stream #blog #knowledge 1 - Create your first class with name 'conn' and paste the code below in it  package Employeee; import java.sql.*; public class conn{        public Connection c;     public Statement s;     public conn(){         try{             Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");             c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql:///project3","root","");             s = c.createStatement();         }catch(Exception...