Burp Suite cheat sheet
This cheat sheet enables users of Burp Suite with quicker operations and more ease of use.
Burp Suite is the de-facto penetration testing tool for assessing web applications. It enables penetration
testers to rapidly test applications via signature features like repeater, intruder, sequencer, and extender.
Navigational Hotkeys
Ctrl-Shift-T - Target Tab
Ctrl-Shift-P - Proxy Tab
Ctrl-Shift-R - Repeater Tab
Ctrl-Shift-I - Intruder Tab
Ctrl-Shift-O - Project Options Tab
Ctrl-Shift-D - Dashboard Tab
Ctrl-Equal - next tab
Ctrl-Minus - previous tab
Global Hotkeys
Ctrl-I - Send to Intruder
Ctrl-R - Send to Repeater
Ctrl-S - Search (places cursor in search field)
Ctrl-. - Go to next selection
Ctrl-m - Go to previous selection
Ctrl-A - Select all
Ctrl-Z - Undo
Ctrl-Y - Redo
Editor Encoding / Decoding Hotkeys
Ctrl-B - Base64 selection
Ctrl-Shift-B - Base64 decode selection
Ctrl-H - Replace with HTML Entities (key characters only)
Ctrl-Shift-H - Replace HTML entities
with characters
Ctrl-U - URL encode selection (key characters only)
Ctrl-Shift-U - URL decode selection
Editors Hotkeys
Ctrl-Delete - Delete Word
Ctrl-D - Delete Line
Ctrl-Backspace - Delete Word Backwards
Ctrl-Home - Go to beginning of document
Ctrl-Shift-Home - Go to beginning of document and select data on its way
Ctrl-End - Go to end of document
Ctrl-Shift-End - Go to end of document and select data on its way
Ctrl-Left - Go to Previous Word
Ctrl-Shift-Left - Go to Previous Word and select data on its way
Ctrl-Right - Go to Next Word
Ctrl-Shift-Right - Go to Next Word and select data on its way
Burp Collaborator
The collaborator enables the
penetration tester to listen for callbacks from vulnerable scripts and services via auto-generation of unique DNS names and works on the following protocols:
Use the Burp extension Taborator to make Burp Collaborator easier to use on-the-fly.
Tool Specific Hotkeys
Ctrl-F – Forward Request (Proxy)
Ctrl-T - Toggle Proxy Intercept On and
Ctrl-Space - Send Request (Repeater)
Double-click <TAB> - Rename a tab
#cybersecurity #burp #cheat #keys #learn