New approaches to privacy and security are coming
The technological development boosts the importance of data, so hacking techniques become ever more progressive. The increase in numbers of devices connected to the internet creates more data but also makes it more vulnerable and less protected. IoT gadgets are getting more popular and widely used, yet they remain extremely insecure in terms of the data privacy. Any large enterprises are constantly under threat of hack attacks, as it happened with Uber and Verizon in 2017.
Luckily, the solutions are achievable, and this year we will see great improvements in the data protection services. Machine learning will be the most significant security trend establishing a probabilistic, predictive approach to ensuring data security. Implementing techniques like behavioral analysis enables detecting and stopping an attack capable of bypassing the static protective systems. Blockchain brought our attention to a new technology called Zero Knowledge Proof which will further develop in 2018 enabling transactions that secure users’ privacy using mathematics. Another new approach to safety is known as CARTA (Continuous adaptive risk and trust assessment). It is based on a continuous evaluation of the potential risks and the degree of trust, adapting to every situation. This applies to all business participants: from the company's developers to partners. Although our security is still vulnerable, there are promising solutions that can bring better privacy into our lives.