Here you will find the best and most affordable doctoral degrees in Counselor Education and Supervision available at colleges and universities. The campus-based programs listed here are all accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The CACREP reviews programs and only provides accreditation to those that meet specific objectives and outcomes. By attending a program that meets the high credentialing standards of the CACREP, you can be assured that you will earn a quality education from a respected and vigorous academic program.
Most, but not all of the programs listed here require applicants to have a master’s degree in counseling or a closely related degree from a CACREP accredited program. In most cases, students with a master’s degree will be able to transfer a significant number of credits into the program towards the doctoral degree. Students in the programs listed here will receive high quality training with diverse populations in a range of clinical and academic setting
The Doctoral Degree in Counselor Education and Supervision prepares graduates to work as counselors, counselor educators, clinical supervisors, program directors, faculty members, administrators, consultants, and researchers. With a broad range of clinical and academic experience and expertise, graduates will be prepared to be leaders in the field.
For information about how this ranking was developed, see the methodology statement at the bottom of the article.
We are confident you will find the best doctoral degree in counselor education and supervision to meet your professional goals here!
#45 Oakland University
Rochester Hills, MI
Ph.D. in Education: Counseling
Courses include: advanced theories of counseling; legal and ethical issues in counseling; sociocultural issues in counseling; instructional theories and methods; seminar in counselor supervision; advanced group counseling; advanced consultation techniques; advanced appraisal; program evaluation; and advanced practicum.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 24,648.00
- Application Deadline: December 15th
- Credits Required: 64
#44 University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: foundations of counselor education and supervision; ecological counseling seminar; doctoral practicum-counseling interventions; statistical data analysis; qualitative research methods; statistical data analysis; multivariate data analysis; counseling supervision; teaching effectiveness; a series of school counseling courses; and a series of substance abuse counseling courses.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 24,532.00
- Application Deadline: January 15th
- Credits Required: 55-60
#43 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA
Ph.D. in Counselor Education (Blacksburg Campus), Ed.D in Counselor Education (Falls Church campus)
Student’s recent dissertation topics have included:: career aspirations among specific populations; counseling at community colleges; counseling in small colleges; inner-city high school populations; the role of school psychologists; college athletes; and middle school guidance counseling.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $24,388.00
- Application Deadline: November 1st
- Credits Required: 63
#42 University of Georgia
Athens, GA
Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Personnel Services
Course topics include: supervised counselor education; supervision practice; teaching and clinical experiences; practicum and internship experiences; and specialization courses.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 24,090.00
- Application Deadline: December 1st
- Credits Required: NA
#41 College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: principles of education research; advanced theories of counseling and psychotherapy; theory and process of counselor supervision; qualitative research methods; internship in counselor supervision; advanced group work and theory; intermediate statistics in education; doctoral seminar in counseling; doctoral practicum; research in counselor education; doctoral internship; and dissertation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 23,752.00
- Application Deadline: January 15th
- Credits Required: 66
- For more information on The College of William and Mary
#40 University of Toledo
Toledo, OH
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: supervision in counseling and school psychology; education and leadership in mental health professions; advanced theories of counseling interventions; doctoral research seminar; advanced practicum in counseling interventions; advanced training in professional, legal, and ethical issues; psychopathology; crisis intervention counseling; diagnosis and mental health; couples and family therapy; and drugs and mental health counseling.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 23,502.00
- Application Deadline: September 15, January 15 and and May 15
- Credits Required: 60
#39 Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Practice
Courses include: qualitative/ interpretive research in education; quantitative methods and analysis in education; program evaluation and institutional research; qualitative research in education; philosophy of education; advanced career counseling; advanced group counseling; professional issues and decisions; advanced counseling theory; supervision of counseling services; research and publication; facilitating college teaching; and dissertation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 22,374.00
- Application Deadline: November 15th
- Credits Required: 92
#38 North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC
Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education
Courses include: scholar leader-diversity and equity in schools and community; scholar leader-systemic change in education and society; applied quantitative methods in education; introduction to qualitative research in education; research applications in curriculum and instruction; advanced multicultural counseling; professional issues in counselor education; career development theory and research; advanced counseling practicum; internship in counselor education; and supervised practice teaching in counselor education.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 21,951.00
- Application Deadline: February 1st
- Credits Required: 63
#37 Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: professional writing in counselor education and supervision; statistics; group counseling; doctoral research design and seminar; advanced counseling and consulting theory; educational statistics; professional development and contemporary issues; methods of individual assessment; counselor education and supervision leadership in a diverse society; and doctoral dissertation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 21,402.00
- Application Deadline: N/A
- Credits Required: 60
#36 University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: career counseling and life planning; theories of counseling; lifespan human growth and development; advanced counseling techniques; diagnosis and treatment planning in counseling; crisis intervention counseling; ethical and professional issues in counselor education; supervised experience in group work; advanced multicultural counseling; advanced counseling interventions; quantitative and qualitative research designs; and dissertation research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,673.00
- Application Deadline: January 15th for fall start, October 15th for Spring start.
- Credits Required: 66
#35 Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Development with an Emphasis in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: theories of vocational counseling; professional counseling ethics; advanced group counseling; advanced counseling theory; principles of college teaching; advanced counseling practicum; internship in counseling and educational psychology; and experimental design in educational research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,626.00
- Application Deadline: N/A
- Credits Required: 63-66
#34 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Specialty courses include: seminar in intercultural communication; education and anthropology; education and gender equity; seminar in cross-cultural organizational behavior; racial and ethnic relations; introduction to mental retardation; and introduction to students with emotional and behavioral disorders.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,602.00
- Application Deadline: November 1st
- Credits Required: 61
#33 University of Mississippi
Oxford, MS
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: professional identity and ethics in counselor education; advanced counseling theory; introduction to educational research; advanced multicultural counseling and advocacy; college teaching; supervision; research and publication; advanced career theory and practice; advanced group counseling; advanced assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning; advanced research methods; and leadership, program evaluation, and accreditation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,574.00
- Application Deadline: March 1st
- Credits Required: 76-85
#32 Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS
Ph.D. in Counseling
Courses include: advanced analysis in educational research; university and community college instruction; qualitative techniques in educational research; counseling supervision; advanced counseling theory; advanced group work and systems; advanced multicultural counseling; psychological foundations of education; and philosophy of education.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,142.00
- Application Deadline: February 1st
- Credits Required: 69-81
#31 Boise State University
Boise, ID
Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: advanced theories and research in counseling; advanced career development and vocational counseling; research and program evaluation in counseling; advanced group counseling; advanced supervision and consultation; doctoral internship; and advanced practicum.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 20,108.00
- Application Deadline: March 1st
- Credits Required: 66
#30 University of Texas at San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: consultation and program evaluation; advanced psychological assessment; college and university teaching seminar; seminar in professional development; advanced theories of counseling; advanced multicultural counseling; practicum in counseling; supervision of counseling; and advanced research in counseling and development.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 19,030.00
- Application Deadline: February 2nd
- Credits Required: 67
#29 University of Nevada Reno
Reno, NV
Ph.D. in Education: Counselor Education and Supervision
Faculty areas of interest include: international student counseling; American Indian/ Alaska Native programs; school and mental health risk and resilience factors; adolescent populations; marriage and family therapy; substance abuse; crisis and trauma; play therapy; school counseling; cross-cultural counseling; emotions; and the use of language in in therapy.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,662.00
- Application Deadline: December 15th
- Credits Required: 72
#28 Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Counseling
Courses include: advanced research and experimental design; instructional theory for counselor educators; practicum in college teaching; advanced psychological testing and assessment; advanced diversity issues; advanced theories of counseling; advanced group procedures; supervision in counselor education; research and professional issues; career development in counselor education; and doctoral counseling practicum.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,504.00
- Application Deadline: December 15th
- Credits Required: 42-70
#27 Kent State University
Kent, OH
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Typical areas of specialization include: individual and or group counseling; research; education and supervision of counselors; couples and family counseling; and multicultural counseling.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,380.00
- Application Deadline: February 1st
- Credits Required: 104
#26 University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC
Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education
Students in this program will have the opportunity to engage in research through: identifying a topic of interest to focus research on related to personal career goals; explore this topic through quantitative and qualitative research, literature review, and research proposals; and potentially publish and present on research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 18,322.00
- Application Deadline: November 1st
- Credits Required: NA
#25 University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, CO
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Doctoral minors available in: higher education and student affairs leadership; educational leadership and policy studies; special education; educational psychology; and cultural studies and equity graduate certificate program.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,951.00
- Application Deadline: December 1st
- Credits Required: 89-101
- For more information on The University of Northern Colorado
#24 Barry University
Miami Shores, FL
Ph.D. in Counseling
Courses include: leadership in counseling and counselor education; advanced counseling procedures; advanced multicultural issues in counseling; advanced professional issues in counseling; counseling supervision; counseling for change; advanced family systems theory; advanced counseling techniques with families; seminar in counseling; qualitative methods; quantitative methods of inquiry; clinical supervision; advanced counseling practicum; advanced teaching internship; and dissertation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,820.00
- Application Deadline: March 1st
- Credits Required: 54
#23 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: advanced counseling theories and methods; advanced group theory and methods; supervision of counselors; research in counseling; consultation theory and methods; clinical applications of marriage and family counseling and therapy; foundations of counselor education and supervision; cultural foundations and counseling; advanced individual appraisal; advanced counseling practicum; internship; doctoral dissertation; counseling and addictions; counseling children and adolescents; and strategies for effective college teaching.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,775.00
- Application Deadline: September 15th for Spring, January 15th for fall admissions
- Credits Required: 98
#22 Ohio University
Athens, OH
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: social and cultural diversity; career development; professional identity; research and program evaluation; helping relations; human growth and development; assessment; group work; legal and ethical issues; counselor supervision; counseling theories; counselor education; professional publication; personality assessment; and leadership in counseling.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,502.00
- Application Deadline: February 15th
- Credits Required: NA
#21 University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Ed.D. in Counseling
Program requirements include: thirty six semester hours in the major; nine semester hours in research; nine semester hours in a specialty area; and nine semester hours of dissertation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 17,405.00
- Application Deadline: March 1st
- Credits Required: 63
#20 University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
Ph.D. in Counseling
Courses include: advanced multicultural career counseling; advanced group seminar; advanced counseling theory seminar; clinical supervision in counseling; instructional theory in counselor education; advanced multicultural counseling; doctoral practicum in counseling; practicum in clinical supervision; applied research methods; and advanced statistics.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 16,799.00
- Application Deadline: December 1st
- Credits Required: 63
#19 Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL
Ph.D. in Counseling
Courses include: advanced counseling theories: brief therapies; advanced multicultural, spiritual, and professional issues in counseling; advanced consultation and leadership in counseling; advanced supervision and instruction in counseling; advanced practicum in counselor education; doctoral internship; advanced educational research; advanced research in counseling; dissertation; advanced group counseling; advanced consultation in school and community; optimal human functioning and development in counseling; and psychotherapy and illness.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 16,695.00
- Application Deadline: January 15th for fall admission, September 15th for spring admission
- Credits Required: 60
#18 Northern Illinois University
Dekalb, IL
Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: crisis intervention; professional orientation to counselor education: identity and ethics; professional seminar in counselor education and development; advanced theories of counseling; leadership, advocacy, and mentoring; advanced practicum in individual counseling; supervision in counseling; multicultural counseling and social justice; internship in counseling; research and scholarship in counselor education; doctoral research and dissertation; consultation in human services; and program evaluation in education.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 16,352.00
- Application Deadline: February 15th
- Credits Required:75
#17 Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ
Ph.D. in Counseling
Courses include: advanced counseling theory and methodology; counselor supervision; advanced social and cultural issues in counseling; clinical, leadership, and organizational assessment; advanced group counseling; advanced career counseling, techniques, and practice; research seminar in counseling; qualitative methods for educational research; quantitative methods for educational research; and dissertation advisement.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 15,375.00
- Application Deadline: February 1st
- Credits Required: 66
#16 Loyola Maryland-Columbia
Columbia, MD
Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling
Courses include: organizational systems; consultation theory and practice; group leadership; advanced treatment in family systems; educational technology; introduction to counselor education and supervision; advanced career development practices; advanced professional, legal, and ethical issues; advanced diversity issues in counseling; statistics; research methods; doctoral clinical case conference; spirituality themes in counseling practice and integration; religious and psychological research; and psycho spiritual applications in clinical practice.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 15,210.00
- Application Deadline: April 1st
- Credits Required: 65
- For more information on Loyola University Maryland
#15 Governors State University
University Park, IL
Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: professional identity in counselor education and supervision; advanced counseling theory; supervision; teaching in psychology and counseling; advanced counseling skills practicum; advanced human development; advanced issues in diversity; advanced statistics; research literature in counseling and psychology; and capstone/ dissertation project.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 14,736.00
- Application Deadline: January 15th
- Credits Required: 48
#14 North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: advanced group counseling; counselor supervision; quantitative and survey research; professional issues: professional development, consultation, and publishing; advanced clinical assessment, report writing, and treatment planning; advanced multicultural practice in counselor education and supervision; advanced counseling theories; qualitative research and program evaluation; and ethical and legal issues in counselor education and supervision.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 14,524.00
- Application Deadline: October 1st for spring; May 1st for fall
- Credits Required: 71
#13 St. Mary’s University
San Antonio, TX
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: qualitative research methodologies; professional identity in counselor education and supervision; theory and practice of university teaching; advanced theories of counseling; process of supervision in counselor education; advanced multicultural assessment; leadership, advocacy and service; advanced clinical practicum; theory and practice of neurofeedback; child development and play therapy; and gender and ethnicity through the lifecycle.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 13,849.00
- Application Deadline: July 1st for Fall Term, November 15th for Spring Term, April 1st for Summer Term
- Credits Required: 74-87
#12 University of Akron
Akron, OH
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: social philosophical foundations; emerging technologies; statistics; research design; advanced practicum, clinical supervision; dissertation; counseling children; introduction to play therapy; psychopharmacology; and internship.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 13,237.00
- Application Deadline: January 15th
- Credits Required: 100
#11 Argosy University
Various Locations
Ed.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Courses include: multicultural issues in counselor education and supervision; models of clinical supervision; ethics and professional development; teaching in higher education; assessment in counseling; advanced theory and practice in counselor education and supervision; advanced clinical practice; advanced group counseling; clinical consultation; addictions counseling; diagnosis and treatment planning; special topics in counseling; introduction to research methods; advanced academic study and writing; advanced statistical methods; and applied research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 13,158.00
- Application Deadline: NA
- Credits Required: 60
#10 University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
Ph.D. in Counselor Education & Supervision
Courses include: doctoral practicum in counseling; supervision theory; doctoral practicum in supervision; professional identity and ethics; diversity and social change; research, assessment and scholarship; leadership, consultation and advocacy; descriptive research; multivariate research; advanced qualitative research methods; and dissertation research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 12,474.00
- Application Deadline: January 15th
- Credits Required: 60
#9 University of North Texas
Denton, TX
Ph.D. in Counseling
Faculty research interests include: addictions counseling; animal-assisted therapy; crisis intervention; multicultural issues; near-death experiences and spiritual transformation; play therapy; professional issues in counselor education; and veterans’ issues.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 12,470.00
- Application Deadline: November 30th
- Credits Required: 81
#8 Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: advanced counseling theories; theories of counselor supervision; practice of counselor supervision; methods of counseling research; application of counseling research; qualitative methodology; statistical methods-counselor education research; doctoral internship in counseling; doctoral seminar; college teaching in counseling; and dissertation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 12,159.00
- Application Deadline: December 1st.
- Credits Required: 69
#7 Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: advanced counseling theory and techniques; advanced practicum in counseling; advanced group counseling; advanced practicum in counselor education and supervision; philosophy of education; human development; cultural foundations of education; educational psychology; and advanced data analysis.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 11,878.00
- Application Deadline: Applications should be submitted a minimum of six (6) weeks before the semester the prospective student wishes to begin the program
- Credits Required: 93
#6 University of South Dakota
Vermillion, SD
Ph.D. in Counseling and Psychology in Education with a specialization in Counselor Education
Courses include: advanced counseling issues in culture, diversity, and advocacy; theoretical approaches to counseling; teaching counselor education; seminar in professional issues: research in counselor education; history of education; philosophies of education; personality and behavior assessment; and qualitative methods of educational research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 11,142.00
- Application Deadline: NA
- Credits Required: 72
#5 Texas A&M University – Commerce
Commerce, TX
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: advanced counseling theories and techniques; supervision in counseling and development; psychoeducational consultation and program evaluation; research applications; instructional theory and methods in counselor education; ethics and professional development; marital counseling/ therapy; student affairs services in higher education; counseling children and adolescents; advanced seminar: counseling diverse populations; and research methodology.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 10,650.00
- Application Deadline: Accepted throughout the year
- Credits Required: 66-69
#4 Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, TX
Ph.D. in Counselor Education
Courses include: advanced theories of counseling; advanced counseling strategies; professional, legal, and ethical issues; consultation theory and methods; supervision; leadership and administration in counselor education; doctoral practicum in counseling; doctoral internship; application of family counseling; advanced seminar in career/life planning; research, writing, and publishing in a multicultural society; advanced research and design in wellness and stress; and research design and statistics.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 10,588.00
- Application Deadline: May 1st
- Credits Required: 69
#3 Trevecca Nazarene University
Nashville, TN
Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling: Teaching and Supervision
Courses include: special topics in counseling; psychological testing for counselors; psychodynamic psychotherapies; advanced multicultural counseling; specialized systemic family therapy; diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders; issues of integration: Christian ideology in a professional world; cognitive behavioral therapies; treating addictions: a family dynamics approach; supervision models; technology and teaching strategies in counselor education; doctoral internship; and dissertation research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 10,012.00
- Application Deadline: December 1st
- Credits Required: 66
#2 University of Holy Cross
New Orleans, LA
Ph.D in Counseling
Courses include: advanced counseling theories; advanced diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders; doctoral seminar in clinical studies; doctoral seminar in marriage and family counseling; college teaching; counselor supervision; introduction to program evaluation and statistics; current counseling research; introduction to qualitative research designs; advanced multicultural, ethical, and legal issues in counseling; doctoral practicum in counseling; doctoral internship in counseling; and dissertation research.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 9,252.00
- Application Deadline: February 15th
- Credits Required: 54
#1 Minnesota State University Mankato
Mankato, MN
Ed.D. in Counselor Education & Supervision
Courses include: advanced career development; supervision in counselor education; diversity in counselor education and supervision; qualitative research methods; advanced counseling theories and techniques; ethical and legal issues in counselor education; advanced assessment/ treatment planning; organization and governance in higher education; advanced group counseling; quantitative research methods; budgeting and finance; advanced college student development theories; contemporary issues in school counseling; contemporary issues in mental health counseling and family counseling; and dissertation.
- Ave. Graduate Tuition: $ 6,849.00
- Application Deadline: March 1st
- Credits Required: 60
- A list of schools was gathered from the CACREP website.
- Counselor Education and Supervision
- The average cost of graduate tuition was gathered from College Navigator.
- Schools were then ranked, highest to lowest, by cost