Create a Splash Screen using JAVA Here is the code of this Splash Screen: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class splash { public static void main(String[] args){ fframe f1 = new fframe(); f1.setVisible(true); int i; int x=1; for(i=2; i<=600; i+=4, x+=1){ f1.setLocation(800 - ((i+x)/2), 500 - (i/2)); f1.setSize(i+x,i); try{ Thread.sleep(10); }catch(Exception e){} } } } class fframe extends JFrame implements Runnable{ Thread t1; fframe(){ super("Electricity Billing System"); setLayout(new FlowLayout()); ImageIcon c1 = new ImageIcon(ClassLoader.getSystemResource("icon/elect.jpg")); Image i1 = c1.getImage().getScaledInstance(730, 550,Image.SCALE_DEFAULT); ImageIcon i2 = new ImageIcon(i1); JLabel l1 = new JLabel(i2);...
knowledge, Tutorials, information, programming, JAVA, CISCO,Python,Excel,source,codes,theory