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Essay on Education and Healthy Communication

Man has gained a lot from education in his/her life, when it comes to education this means we are talking about awareness, knowledge and some experiences. We do respect education in our lives as it opens up the minds to different prospective that help us to cope up with the continuous changing environment. Education balances between the practices and knowledge, and as we have mentioned before coping up with multiple changes in our lives that have to be handled based on others experience or some level of basic knowledge about different aspects related to the same subject. We respect education in our lives also because it's considered to the source of communication and sharing knowledge between different members in the same society and other foreign societies as I am one of the believers that man always tend to share his knowledge with other humans so that this knowledge can spread all around and help mankind to stay and continue in this life till the en...


Between the devil and the deep sea To choose between two equally bad alternatives in a serious dilemma. Where there's a will there's a way When a person really wants to do something, he will find a way of doing it. A burnt child dreads fire A bad experience or a horrifying incident may scar one's attitude or thinking for a lifetime. First come, first served ...

500 Words Essay on My Hobby

Sample essay on my hobby for school and college students. We all do some kind of a work either to earn our live hood or to make a career. Hobby is something which we enjoy doing, we like indulging ourselves in the activity during our leisure or free time. We all have our likes and dislike. We enjoy doing something more than others. A hobby gives us pleasure for we do it, for the love of the work and not under compulsion to earn. Thus, it is more fulfilling and gives us more satisfaction and joy. Pursuing a hobby also increase one’s efficiency, interest and ability. It gives an opportunity to full development of one’s various aspects of personality. Hobbies like collecting stamps, listening music, drawing, gardening, playing an indoor or outdoor sport, writing, reading, bird watching, collecting antiques, photography etc, are very educative. We learn many things with practical insights which we cannot learn from. One of the favorite things that 1 enjoy doing is...

800 words essay on Typewriter

The typewriter—a writing machine invented to make the process of writing faster. The typewriter is a machine that produces printed letters and figures on paper. People in homes and offices throughout the world use typewriters to write rapidly and neatly. The typewriter ranks as the most widely used kind of business machine. Kinds of Typewriters There are four basic kinds of typewriters: (1) manual, (2) electric, (3) elec­tronic, and (4) text-editing, usually called word-processing typewriters or word processors. A manual typewriter operates entirely by the power sup-1 plied by the typist's hands. An electric typewriter has an electric motor top provide power, and so the typist only needs to touch the keys lightly. Such - a typewriter costs more to buy and operate than a manual typewriter, but it is easier to use. It also enables a person to type faster and more neatly. Some electric typewriters, called self-correcting writers, erase typing | errors. Chemica...

420 words short essay on Society

The term ‘ society ’ is used in several sciences. Generally any organized human group is described as society. For instance,  group of women is looked upon as a society. Similarly, there are specific associations which are wrongly regarded as society. There are many examples of such associations but it will serve our purpose of quoting a few of them. They are Harijan society, Bramho society, Labour society, Students society, Teacher’s society and the like but. These associations do not fit into our concept of society in the strict sociological sense, They cannot be mistaken for society at best they like us close to the popular meanings of the term society and they cannot help us in a scientific study of society.  Therefore the sociologists have tried to define society in a way which distinguished it from other sociological concepts like group, association, institution, community etc. According to them the term society does not imply a group of persons or indi...

416 Words Essay on My Hobby

Routine work of every day makes us monotonous. To break it we often look for interesting and exciting things to do. Hobbies are the best way to divert attention side by side with work. We need entertainment from time to time. At such times a good hobby is very useful. Hobbies provide recreation. They entertain us and at the same time are valuable in the sense that they develop personality. My hobby is singing. People often resort to gardening, reading, stamp collecting, bird watching, etc. However I love to listen to music and also to sing. I have a large collection of tapes and I listen to all kinds of music. My collection ranges from classical music to Rock and from Indian music to Western one. My hobby is to listen to these songs carefully and then to learn them. I sit with a paper and a pen and write down the lyrics of the songs that I hear. Then I hum along and soon I know the tunes too. I switch the tape recorder off and then I pretend to be the singer ...

What Is Military History

What is military History? When thinking of military history, epic battles and wars that changed the face of the world as we know it today first come to mind. It is true that military history is a lot to do with studying warfare but it is more complex than this. In this essay one will firstly have to look at what military history is and where it originated from? Secondly it is important to look at the other areas that have intertwined with military history, these being political thought, economics and link between military history and society. Lastly what is military history today and does it have any practical value.       Military history is the history of war. The history of war can be summarised through various sub groups. Firstly there is the campaigns and battles of war. Secondly leaders and leadership skills during these battles. Thirdly military institutions and formations. There are wide misconceptions that military history is just about war an...