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Showing posts from July, 2020

Encapsulation in JAVA, a Brief explanation

It is a process of  wrapping   up  the  data members  along with related  data handlers method  is called  Encapsulation . Wrapping up the data members and data handlers method means we are grouping both as a single unit. In Java, we group or wrap both inside the Class, so Class is a single unit that consists of data members as well as methods. As shown in the figure. So, the class having both data members and related data handler method is called  Encapsulated Class. Here in the above definition, two important terms have been used i.e,  data members,  and  data handlers method. Data members:  The variables which are declared inside the class. Data handlers Method:  It is just a usual method, whose only purpose is to initialized or return the value of data members present inside the Class. Such types of methods do not use for writing any business logic or functionality. Types of Da...

Download Insta Profile pictures using python method 1

""" Spyder Editor This is a temporary script file. """ import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup username = "usernamea" #enter above user name of the person you want to download the instagram profile picture URL="{}/" rq = requests.get(URL.format(username)) ss =BeautifulSoup(rq.text,"html.parser") w=ss.find("meta",property="og:image") url= w.attrs['content'] with open(username +' .jpg', "wb") as pic:   binary= requests.get(url).content   pic.write(binary) #instagram #profile #download #picture #method 1 check the variable url output & copy that url & paste in browser to open the picture

Free 4k Lake powell Canyons video

Stock video of  Lake Power Canyons