protocols at each layer of OSI model
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) reference model is a conceptual framework used to understand network interactions in seven distinct layers. Each layer has specific protocols that facilitate communication and data exchange. Let’s dive into the OSI model and explore the protocols that operate at each layer.
Application layerIt’s responsible for providing an interface for the user to interact with application services or network services. Ex-Web browser (HTTP), Telne
Presentation layerIt’s responsible for defining a standard format to the data. The major functions described at this layer are: -Encoding-Decoding Ex- AVI-(video), WAV-(voice), JPEG (graphite), ASCII (text) Encryption-Decryption
Session layerIt’s responsible for establishing, maintaining, and terminating the sessions. Session ID is used to identify a session or interaction.Ex-Remote procedural call, Apple talk session protocol.
Transport LayerIt provides data delivery mechanism between applications in the network. Transport layer is the major function layer In OSI layerIdentifying serviceMultiplexing&De-multiplexing Segmentation, Error correction, flow control Transport layer protocols?The protocols which takes care of data transport at transport layer are TCP/UDP
Difference between UDP & TCP.
Network Layer |
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